His, Hers or Theirs--A You Decide Confession Page 4
I licked the remaining traces of seed from my fingers. Not just any man’s cum—the sexy, playing hard to get Kent Alexander’s cum. Whichever course I decided to pursue, I knew I was in for a hell of a ride.
I walked across the parking lot and back into the lobby.
From the look on Willie’s face, I knew he’d watched me jerk Kent off.
I grinned at him and walked to the elevators. Five minutes later, I quietly let myself back in her place. Once standing in her bedroom door, I decided I was too hyped to join her in bed. So I went to the guestroom, undressed and sprawled across the bed. Then on the off chance that I’d aroused him enough to come after me, I got up and went into the bathroom. I wanted my ass clean—just in case. I’d watched Rae prepare for anal sex with me so I knew what to do. When I returned to the guestroom, I lay thinking of Kent Alexander and his big dick that was soon going to be mine until I fell asleep.
Chapter Four
By the time I walked back to my car, I was still so aroused that my cock felt like a lead weight pressing against my thigh. I tried to force myself to think of Larrae and work up a righteous sense of anger toward her for deceiving me. Yeah, I knew we’d never formally claimed to be in an exclusive relationship but she knew I’d given up other women for her. And at some point, I’d expected her to do the same with other men. Clearly she’d had other ideas.
I sighed and found myself thinking of Scott Donner’s tight ass and recalling the taste of his mouth and tongue and the feel of his jeans pressing against my cock as I came in the middle of a well-lit parking lot. Fuck! By tomorrow morning half the complex would probably think I was gay.
I inhaled slowly, then banged my fist against the dashboard. Why the hell should I care what Larrae’s neighbors thought of my sexuality? I wasn’t gay but damn if I didn’t want to bust a nut or two in Donner’s cocky ass.
So why don’t you? He’s a legal adult and God knows he’s certainly willing. Larrae’s fucking him so she can hardly complain if you do too.
I thought of his words and shuddered with lust. Imagine how exciting it will be fucking just a few feet from our woman. With each inch of cock you drive into my ass, we’ll get hotter and hotter while hoping she doesn’t wake up and catch you with that big cock of yours buried to the hilt in my ass. Hoping but too lost in bliss to stop before you fuck the shit out of me and leave us both coming harder than we ever have before.
…catch you with that big cock of yours buried to the hilt in my ass…before you fuck the shit out of me and leave us both coming harder than we ever have before.
Oh, shit! I was so hot and hard, I felt ready to explode. I put my hand down to my groin but shook my head. Why should I settle for masturbating when I could straddle Donner’s buff body and slowly…repeatedly pump every damned inch of my cock up into his welcoming ass?
The over privileged, arrogant sod was right. We should get the fuck we both wanted out of the way. Once we had, I could concentrate on winning her back from him. Hell would freeze over before I let him or any other man take my woman from me. And once I’d busted a nut…or two in Donner’s ass, I’d turn my attention to her. It was past time she realized she was my woman and her pussy was my damned exclusive property—just as my cock had been hers. And would be again—after I fucked Donner. She’d fucked him and soon so would I.
After sitting in my vehicle taking deep breaths for about ten minutes in an effort to come to my senses, I got out, armed the alarm, and walked back to Larrae’s place. To my relief, her second parking spot was still occupied. Her boy toy was still there.
Willie looked shocked and embarrassed when I entered the lobby. Thanks to that fuck Scott, I’d probably never convince him I wasn’t gay. What the hell. I didn’t owe him any explanation. I gave him a long, cool stare and stormed over to the elevator bank.
The elevator arrived and I stepped in. Soon, I let myself into Larrae’s place. Standing in her bedroom doorway, I saw she was still asleep. At least cum no longer trickled from her pussy. The next time she had cum seeping from her, it would be mine. After tonight, we were going raw all the way—pussy and ass.
You have some explaining to do, woman and some lessons to learn, I thought as I turned and walked across to the guest bedroom. The door was open and by the moonlight coming in through the open curtains, I could see that Scott Donner slept naked across the bed. I could think of only one reason for him to be in there instead of with Larrae—he was hoping I’d come and join him.
You’re going to get your wish boy. I returned to Larrae’s bedroom to get the lube and two condoms. Back in the guest bedroom, I started to close the door before I changed my mind and left it open. If she woke up, she’d find me fucking her other lover. Hell, the way she’d been stringing us both along, she’d probably enjoy watching.
I scrambled out of my clothes. Then, with my cock nearly fully erect, I walked over to the bed.
He lay on his stomach with his legs parted and his tight ass almost beckoning to my cock.
Standing watching him sleep, I gently pumped my cock until it was nice and hard. After slipping on a condom, I sat on the side of the bed and began to massage his ass cheeks. His flesh felt warm and inviting under my eager hands.
Leaning over him, I brushed my lips against his back before parting his hard cheeks and pouring lube into his crack and on two of my fingers.
I gently worked the tip of my lubed finger up his ass. Damn. He was tight and going to give me the fuck of my life once I had my cock all the way up his hole.
Shuddering with lust at the thought, I eased my finger out of him.
He murmured and turned his head, his eyes still closed.
Turning him onto his back, I leaned over to nibble and tease his lips with my mouth until he stirred and opened his eyes.
I generally preferred dark eyes, but damn his blue eyes were beautiful. Hell, everything about him was beautiful from his thick shock of dark hair to his sensual mouth and hard body. His undeniable physical beauty was probably why Larrae and I both wanted him. She wanted his cock. I wanted his ass.
A slow, sexy smile spread across his handsome face when he saw me.
I tensed, expecting him to make some cocky remark that would piss me off and cool my ardor—which, I admitted, was the last thing I wanted.
Instead, he just reached up and stroked his fingers through my hair. “Hey,” he said in a husky voice.
He managed to make that one word sound like an erotic invitation. I accepted. “Hey,” I echoed, allowing my gaze to linger on his body.
His flaccid cock lay against his thigh. By the time I finished fucking him, it would be rock hard and jerking and spewing cum all over the place.
Consumed with desire, I slid on the bed to lie between his thighs with my cock resting against his. I kept most of my weight on my extended arms.
Still smiling up at me, he trailed his hands down from my neck to my shoulders and finally allowed them to rest against my ass. “I was just dreaming about you and here you are.”
I nodded.
“I’m yours, Kent. Take me.”
I was well past the point when I could do anything else. “I intend to.”
“Kiss me first.”
I leaned down to comply.
“Oh, damn. You have no idea how much I want you,” he said. He pulled me close, dragging my tongue into his mouth.
It couldn’t be any more than I wanted him. Allowing my arms to collapse, I lay on him, giving myself time to enjoy feeling his body under mine before I spent several minutes kissing him and exploring and savoring the taste of his lips and his tongue.
While I did, he rocked his hips against mine and offered me clear and unfettered access to his mouth.
We ground our genitals together until I felt his cock harden against my body.
Good. He was almost ready to be fucked.
He pushed against my shoulders.
When I lifted my head and lips, we both gasped for air.
> I’d almost forgotten how erotic and exciting it felt to lie cock to cock with another man and know his ass was mine for the taking. Shifting my body, I reached between my legs. Palming my dick, I rubbed the head between his cheeks.
“Damn man. That feels good.” He half-turned under me so that he was in prime position to be plundered. “Do it. Fuck me.”
Although I was tempted to shoot my cock balls deep up his ass, I wanted to make our fuck as painless as possible for him. “Are you sure you’re ready?”
“Damn straight.”
I rolled onto my back with my legs stretched out. “Then straddle my hips and feed my cock into your ass at your own pace. And when you’re ready to be fucked, you’ll let me know.”
“Sexy and considerate. I think I like you, my handsome Kent.”
I inhaled sharply. “That’s what Larrae calls me.”
He grinned. “I know. She’s said it to me more than once in the heat of a great fuck,” he said. “You can be hers and mine…our handsome, big dicked Kent.”
I was too far gone down the road to lust to object to the implication that he thought I had any interest in him beyond the coming fuck.
He knelt with his ass several inches above my cock.
I gripped his hips as he leaned back to caress my cock and balls. “We might need a little more lube over the condom to make it easier for me to get inside you,” I said. The easier my entrance, the longer and harder I could fuck him.
“Damn, I know it’s going to hurt like hell, but I can’t wait to feel you inside my ass.” He reached for the lube and oiled my balls and the condom before gripping me and placing his ass against me.
Fuck. I couldn’t wait either. I wanted and needed his ass on my cock. “Do it,” I urged. “Now. Do it before I burst.”
He exhaled slowly and then pressed his ass backwards with a firm, steady pressure. “Oh, fuck!” he moaned when the head of my shaft pierced his tightly puckered hole and inched into his body.
God Almighty feeling even a small part of my cock inside him made me burn. “Use more lube if you need to but for God’s sake, keep pushing your ass down,” I groaned.
After pouring a little more lube on my shaft, he allowed another inch or so of my dick up into his hole.
Struggling with the urge to push into him, I instead gripped his hips and leaned forward to kiss him. “Keep going,” I whispered against his open mouth. “Give me your sweet ass. Keep your hips moving and we’ll soon be fucking.”
He placed both hands on my body and slowly but firmly pushed his hips down until I had enough dick in his tight, virginal ass for both of us to know it was there. “Mother fucker!” I whispered and unable to control myself any longer, I jerked down on his hips.
“Oh, fuck!” he cried out as the rest of my cock powered up into his blissfully tight, hot ass. Shit. There were few things as enticing as a virginal male ass.
Moving my hands up from his hips, I pressed them against his back and pulled him down so he lay on top of me. I was rather surprised to find that I liked feeling his hard cock pressed against my stomach. Cupping his ass in my palms, I slowly fucked my cock inch by inch in and out of the wonder that was his ass.
“Fuck. Fuck. Go slow,” he said.
Damn his ass felt good. Beyond good. Fucking delicious. Waves of lust and need washed over me until I couldn’t do anything but lose myself in a hot fog of desire for the male lying impaled on my dick. He wanted me to go slow with his ass sending jolts of pleasure all through me?
He shuddered on top of me and began to moan as I increased the pace and force of my strokes up his honey-sweet hot hole.
“Fuck,” he moaned.
“That’s what I’m doing,” I whispered. “Fucking you.” Damn I was on fire with need.
When his moans increased in volume, I cupped a hand over his head and brought his mouth down to mine. Easing most of my shaft out of him, I then pushed my hips upward, driving back inside him as I thrust my tongue into his mouth.
He reached down to hold my hips and returned the pressure of my lips and probing tongue.
I gave him a moment or so to adjust to having an ass full of cock before I started to move in him again. Once I did, we kissed and fucked slowly, our bodies joined together as two equal parts of one perfect whole. And I do mean perfect. Each time I raised my hips to drive my shaft forward, he pushed his down to accept it deep within his body.
Oh, shit! He had a great ass that felt as if its sole purpose was to drive me insane with pleasure.
I lifted my hands and rained slaps down on his tight cheeks.
“Oh, fuck, Kent. Fuck.”
“Fuck me back,” I moaned against his lips. “Fuck me back, baby.”
He responded by grinding his ass so tightly on my cock, I nearly saw stars.
I slapped his cheeks and thrust myself as deep into his ass as I could.
Clutching each other close and kissing greedily, we rocked our bodies in perfect harmony.
When I felt his cock suddenly erupt and exploding between our bodies, I groaned with pleasure and fucked him harder and deeper, my climax just moments away.
He tore his mouth from mine and sobbed against my shoulder. “Oh, shit…oh…shit, Kent! Shit! Kent!”
I knew I was hurting him but I couldn’t stop and judging by the way he was moving his hips against mine and digging his fingers into my ass, he didn’t really want me to stop.
So I fucked him like what I was—a man possessed with the need to find a release I could only enjoy once I came. I thrust up into his ass with a ruthless fury until my orgasm slammed into me, turning my entire body into one intense nerve ending capable of feeling nothing but sublime pleasure. Oh, fucking hell! Good. So fucking good. Too good for words.
Rolling him onto his back, I collapsed on top of him and lay with my cock still buried in his ass and my lips pressed against his neck as I trembled through the aftermath of a mind-blowing orgasm.
When I stopped shaking and could think and move again, I weakly and reluctantly eased out of his ass.
He groaned as the last inch of my shaft left his body.
I exhaled. Goddamn. What a man. What an ass. What a mother fucking hot fuck.
He turned on his back and we lay side by side in silence, both catching our breaths.
I was drenched with sweat and for the first time in over twenty years, I had another man’s cum on my body. While I tried to decide how I felt about that, I waited for him to speak but he said nothing.
Fuck. I removed the condom and tossed it into the trash can by the bed before I looked at him.
He stared up at the ceiling, taking slow, deep breaths.
He’d wanted it but I doubt if he’d enjoyed it half as much as I had. “Are you all right?”
“Fuck no I’m not all right!” He turned to stare at me. “My ass is on fire and not in a good way.”
Great. He begged to be fucked. I fucked him and now I was the bad guy? “I gave you what you asked for,” I said, trying not to sound as angry as I felt.
“I know what I asked for but did you have to bang my ass like it was your first and last fuck? You knew I’d never had a cock up my ass.”
I turned to face him and pushed him onto his back. Before I knew it, I was lying between his legs again. “It wouldn’t take much for me to shove my cock back up your ass and give you a real fuck. So I suggest you stop complaining.”
He stared up at me. “For future reference, I’m a black belt and no one does anything to me I don’t want them to.”
“For future reference, I teach mixed martial arts, now shut the fuck up!” Although his covert threat annoyed me, I was still horny. And looking for an excuse to enjoy another fuck with him. When he parted his lips to respond, I ground my cock against him and leaned down to kiss him.
After a long moment when I thought we’d end up in a wrestling match I was determined to win, he parted his legs, pulled me cock to cock with him and returned my kiss.
Fuck he made me
hot. I slipped my hands under his ass cheeks and whispered against his ear. “That was one of the most incredible fucks of my life.”
“Glad you enjoyed it because it was the most painful one of mine,” he retorted but rubbed his dick against mine.
What the fuck. I knew he hadn’t enjoyed our earlier encounter, but I’d made sure he came this time. So what the hell did he have to complain about? There was just no pleasing the bastard and I was done trying. “Fuck you!” I rolled away from him and rose. “You harangued me until you got your way and now you’re whining—even though you covered me with cum. What the hell are you? Some spoiled brat used to having your damned cake and eating it too?”
“As a matter of fact, I am.”
Recalling the outrageously expensive, gas-guzzling SUV parked in Larrae’s second space, I nodded. “That figures. You can practice getting everything you want with someone else. I’m out of here.” I pulled on my jeans and slipped on my shoes, annoyed that I’d allowed myself to be goaded into fucking him—while Larrae slept across the hall. I glanced at the door I’d deliberately left open in the hope the sounds of our fucking would wake her. How the hell would I have explained if she’d awakened and caught us in the act?
Her fucking another man was a lot different than my fucking a man. I’d have been devastated had I found she had taken a lesbian lover—as my ex-wife had. So why the fuck had I thought it was okay to fuck another man? What the fuck had I been thinking to behave so recklessly?
I walked across the hall to her bedroom. Taking a deep, calming breath, I looked inside. She still slept. Thank God. Even though I was angry that she’d cheated on me, I had no desire to end our relationship. After that hot, but meaningless fuck with Donner, I wanted her even more.
I tensed when he, still naked, came to stand beside me. He smelled of sweat and sex. What a combination.
“She’s still asleep.” He slipped an arm around my shoulders and whispered in my ear. “We have time for another fuck—as long as you’re gentler this time.”
Man I was tempted, but he’d robbed me of my commonsense twice already. That was enough. Apparently he had nothing to lose by a possible relationship between us. I did. I shook his arm off my shoulders. “Not interested,” I lied. “What are you waiting for to get dressed? For her to wake and find you naked?”